Selasa, 15 Juli 2008
Sebuah Kebijaksanaan
THE ROAD NOT TAKEN by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Gee….I love this poem.Sejak manusia ini di"lemparkan" ke dunia ini, manusia mempunyai beban dan tanggung jawab yaitu untuk selalu memilih dan terus tidak pernah berhenti untuk memilih sampai akhir hayatnya. Manusia eksistensial adalah manusia yang sadar akan tuntutan hidup ini.
Ada perkawinan ide menarik yang terdapat di puisi Frost the Road Not Taken dengan pemikiran filsafat eksistensialisme. Yaitu sikap manusia untuk memilih.
Heiddeger, filsuf eksistensilis, menggambarkan hidup manusia sebagai keterlemparan. Manusia tidak tahu mengapa dia dilahirkan di dunia ini. Dalam misteri, manusia menjalani hidupnya yang terus memilih. Heidegger membedakan antara eksistensi asli dan semu. Eksistensi yang asli adalah kemandirian manusia untuk memilih dan yakin akan pilihannya itu dengan segala konsekuensi yang akan dihadapi di depan. Sementara eksistensi semu adalah cara hidup manusia yang menegasi jati dirinya tenggelam dalam arus.
Puisi Frost di atas merupakan refleksi bagaimana manusia menghayati eksisitensinya. Dia harus menentukan pilihannya dari dua jalan di depannya. Tatapan jauh ke depan dua jalan tersebut. Semakin jauh semakin tidak jelas karena jalan itu berkelak-kelok. Sehingga sampai akhirnya manusia memilih salah satu jalan.
Dia hanya menjalani jalan ini. Kelak-kelok, dan tikungan di jalan ini kadang membuatnya bertanya:"Apa benar saya telah mengambil jalan yang benar? Ah...sepertinya jalan satunya kok lebih enak Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing there, Had worn them really about the same,
Tapi kemudian dia sadar dengan mengatakan Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way, "Sudahlah...saya yakin ini yang terbaik buat saya. Jalan yang menuntun pada suatu tujuan dan impian saya.
Lagi pula tidak mungkin lagi untuk kembali. Ya ini yang terbaik...."
Tak seorang pun tahu masa depan itu seperti apa namun pilihan harus diputuskan. Dan sekali diputuskan maka itu menjadi jejak sejarah. Dan sejarah tidak pernah bisa kembali. Kecuali di kekinian ini dan di rancangan masa depan benar-benar segala sesuatu yang dipikirkan dengan baik.
Marilah kita menjalani pilihan itu dengan syukur, harapan dan keyakinan. Jangan melihat jalan lain yang mungkin “lebih enak”.Mari kita buat sejarah kita masing-masing sampai di penghujung jalan. Menabur (bahkan kalau perlu dengan air mata) karena akhirnya kita akan pulang dengan sorak sorai.
This article is dedicated to all of you
Senin, 14 Juli 2008
Bitter Romance in Life
Breaking up is never fun. The end of a relationship means the beginning of a period of mourning and healing for both people.
If the break up was mutual both people would experience a period of adjustment where they are getting used to no longer being together. If the break up was not mutual the person who ended things may be dealing with guilt and feelings that they may have made a mistake. The person being broken up with will definitely have to adjust, first to being rejected and second to life without somebody they still care for.
Keep in your mind that many people have some myths about break up.
Myth #1: There is only one soulmate for every one person in the world.
Reality: There are millions of potential soulmates for every person in the world.
You think he/she is the only one? Wrong. You may think that now, but you'll see.
Myth #2: Your heart will never fully recover.
Reality: It will.
As soon as you get recovered you eventually fall in love again with someone new.
Myth #3: You can't fall in love with someone new if you're already in a good relationship.
Reality: Yes you can. It's true that you can only be 'madly' in love with one person at any given time, but it is possible to be in love with two people at once.
People who are in good, happy, healthy relationships can still fall in love with someone new. That's what makes life complicated.How do you get through those first few weeks? Here we list eight essential things everybody must do in the early days of a break up to let the healing begin.
1. Avoid the former love.
2. Talk out your feelings with close friends.
3. Cry if you want to. Your crying is to cleanse you of any pain not make your lover come back.
4. Put away or give away anything and everything that reminds you of the relationship.
5. Don’t slip up and get together with your ex.
6. Focus on all the things about your ex that drove you crazy, turned you off, or that you just plain found annoying.
7. Think about the mean, cruel or rude things your ex may have done in your relationship.
8. Maintain a strict no contact policy and stick with it. Don’t pass notes through friends. Don’t make any calls.
Why should you mourn? Life is beautiful.Be happy!!!
Rabu, 09 Juli 2008
For friendship maketh indeed a fair day in the affections, from storm and tempests; but it maketh daylight in the understanding, out of darkness, and confusion of thoughts.
The Essays by Bacon, Sir Francis
--thus speaketh the true reverence, which doth not venture to solicit friendship.
Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None by Nietzsche, Friedrich
Teman itu mempunyai makna yang dalam yang memiliki kualitas sikap hidup lebih tinggi dari pada seseorang yang dicintai (lover). Oscar Wilde mengatakan: Love is all very well in its way, but friendship is much higher.
Di dalam kebudayaan Indonesia umumnya orang yang kita kenal atau bahkan baru dikenal, kita bisa menyebutnya sebagai teman. Namun tidak demikian halnya dengan kebudayaan Barat, teman atau friend memiliki kualitas-kualitas tertentu. Bahkan esensi kata teman lebih kuat dari pada orang yang dicintai lover kata dramawan Inggris Oscar Wilde.
Dari sejarah katanya saja kata teman itu justru awalnya sama dengan kata yang dicintai atau lover. Dalam bahasa Yunani friend adalah philos dan phile kata kerja artinya mencintai. Kata ini sama dengan kata Old Inggris fr ond yang di kemudian hari berubah menjadi friend. Kemudian kata ini berkembang di Jerman dengan istilah *frithu-, yang artinya damai atau peace atau pembuat kedamaian. Karena itulah maka tidak heran muncul nama Frederick. Dalam kepercayaan kuno Jerman isitlah frithu- itu berhubungan dengan dewi Frigg yaitu dewi cinta yang konon katanya kemunculannya selalu pada hari Jumat atau Friday. Maka berbahagialah bagi anda yang lahir pada hari Jumat dan sekaligus bernama Jumat atau Frigg/Fredercik dsb karena itu berarti anda dilahirkan sebagai pembawai damai dan cinta.
Beberapa kualitas (Oxford 2008) yang muncul dalam teman atau friend adalah sebagai berikut:
a. person whom one knows, likes, and trusts
b. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
c. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement:
Bisa Dipercaya
Sebagai seorang teman maka dia haruslah menjadi orang yang sungguh-sungguh dikenal, menyenangkan dan dipercaya. Dia mau mendengar keluh kesah, penderitaan, dan menyimpannya sungguh-sungguh itu menjadi bagian dan rahasia dirinya.
Kecerdasan bentuknya sangat multidemensial. Salah satu wujud kecerdasan itu adalah kecakapan emosi yang direpresentasikan dalam bentuk kemampuan untuk berempati, mengerti atau mengambil posisi atau keadaan temannya.
Kualitas berikut yang harus dimiliki seorang teman adalah bahwa dia bisa berperan sebagai pendorong atau yang memeberi motivasi. Orang dikatakan motivator bila dia rela menanggung beban atau berkorban akan dirinya, investasinya baik sisi keuangan, waktu, tenaga, pikiran dan apa yang ada pada dirinya.
Jelas teman harus dibedakan dengan selingkuhan atau affair.
Orang berselingkuh karena dia tidak mengerti esesni teman. Selingkuh merupakan bentuk dominasi yang memaksa. Selingkuh hanya menurutkan kehendak daging dan nafsu. Selingkuh ingin menuntut dari apa yang diberikan. Semuanya dihitung.
Sebaliknya, teman bersifat positif demi kemajuan orang lain. Teman rela berkorban. Teman tidak menuntut dari apa yang diberikan. Teman tidak memaksa dan mengikat dalam satu ikatan formal namun memberikan jiwa pembebasan. Teman tidak merendahkan namun justru menumbuhkembangkan potensi orang lain melalui kapasitas dan investasi yang dimilikinya. Semuanya itu bagai air yang disiramkan kepada benih yang tumbuh di hati.
For GB
Nothing Gold Can Stay by R. Frost
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Nothing is eternal. That is what Frost wants to share through his poem’s nothing gold can stay. Whatever you have now is subject to fade.
Gold is indeed a key word. Gold is priceless. Gold represents beauty that implicates the state of ecstasy deep inside your inner realm. Frost uses a pastoral analogy by means of nature to describe such a ecstatic state. Nature at the old time was such a dream place…It is a place that makes you come back. It is a place with a great number of beautiful greenish pine trees…awesome. It is like Eden where nothing is to worry about...You got everthing beyond your wildest imagination.
It is word you can pick …undepicted… nor color you can select either to describe or to draw the feeling of beauty inside your soul.
But this excitement is such a short time,…not lasting…like the leaves… age of which is numerable. Leaves by leaves are finished…the sense of beauty is racing through the time….
The feeling of beauty you have never stays permanently. It leaves you all alone with tears rolling down your face…because nothing gold can stay.
For GB
黄金确实是一个关键词。黄金是无价的。金代表的美貌牵涉到国家的迷魂药内心深处,您的内在境界。霜冻使用了牧区的比喻方式的性质。性质,在旧的,当时这样一个梦想的地方… …这是一个地方让你回来。这是一个地方,大量的美丽的绿色松树…可怕。它像伊甸园的地方没有什么担心...
这是无法形容的...没有任何字您可以挑选… … undepicted也不颜色您可以选择来形容,或提请的感觉,美容内你的灵魂。
但这种兴奋的是,这么短的时间内, … …没有持久的一样,叶子…年龄是numerable 。叶叶片完成…意识,美容是赛车通过的时间… … 。
感觉美容你从来没有停留永久。它离开大家单独与眼泪,滚动你的脸… …因为没有黄金可以留下来。
Selasa, 08 Juli 2008
Tautologi Socio Kultural dalam Maxim Grice
Peran bahasa dalam hidup manusia begitu krusial. Bahkan sangking krusialnya bahasa itu menentukan pola pikir manusia. Dengan kata lain jikalau kemampuan dan kapasitas berbahasa orang itu terbatas maka terbatas pula isi dan pemetaan kognitif orang tersebut. Adapun teori linguistic deterministic itu adalah dari Sapir dan Whorf yang mengatakan: thought may be no more conceivable, in its genesis and daily practice, without speech than mathematical reasoning practicable without the lever of an appropriate mathematical symbolism. (in Silby,2000). Maksud Sapir dan Whorf adalah tidak hanya bahasa menentukan pola pikir manusia namun juga tanpa bahasa maka tidak mungkin manusia berpikir. Selanjutnya menurut mereka realitas dengan bahasa, realitas itu dibangun dalam konsep dan ide yang dianut oleh suatu komunitas.
Menurut saya pribadi bahasa begitu multifacet. Di satu sisi bahasa dipandang sebagai entitas yang universal in terms of suatu media bagaimana realitas social itu dibentuk oleh komunitas berbahasa tersebut namun di sisi lain text sebagai bentuk ekstrovert dari bahasa tampil sebagai sesuatu yang unik dan sangat kulturalistik.
Dalam keunikannya itu, maka untuk mengerti suatu bahasa tertentu mau tidak mau pemahaman akan sosio cultural masyarakat pemakai bahasa menjadi suatu hal yang harus dimiliki oleh siapapun pembelajar bahasa tersebut. Salah satu ciri keunikan yang cultural itu muncul dari flaws yang terjadi pada saat proses komunikasi. Flaws menurut Grice* dianggap sebagai suatu pelanggaran terhadap maxim atau aturan berbahasa. Dan bila dilanggar tentu ada makna tertentu dibalik ujaran yang dihasilkan. Lebih lanjut idealnya dalam berkomunikasi orang harus tunduk pada 4 maxim yaitu:
Maxim of Quantity:
1. Make your contribution to the conversation as informative as necessary.
2. Do not make your contribution to the conversation more informative than necessary.
Maxim of Quality:
1. Do not say what you believe to be false.
2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.
Maxim of Relevance:
Be relevant (i.e., say things related to the current topic of the conversation).
Maxim of Manner:
1. Avoid obscurity of expression.
2. Avoid ambiguity.
3. Be brief (avoid unnecessary wordiness).
4. Be orderly.
Pelanggaran terhadap maxim of quantity:
Seringkali orang Indonesia merasa tidak nyaman untuk tidak berbicara dengan orang yang tidak dikenalnya bila mereka berada dalam satu ruangan misalnya di ruang tunggu dokter, atau kereta api. Dari ketidaknyamanan itu “keterpaksaan” untuk berbicara hal-hal yang tidak perlu. Si pembicara lebih banyak mendominasi pembicaraan dengan menceritakan hal-hal yang tidak perlu.
A: tinggalnya di mana Pak?
B: Di dekat sini.
A: Oh gitu ya…. Tapi menurut saya tempat tinggal di sini agak panas. Kalau di tempat kami dingin dan sejuk Pak. Pohonnya rindang dan belum banyak kendaraan makanya tidak banyak polusi. (Ngoceh terus….)
Pelanggaran terhadap maxim of quality
Seringkali orang Indonesia menyembunyikan kenyataan atau sesuatu yang tidak mengenakkan sesungguhnya terjadi. Misalnya:
A: tanganmu berdarah, B?
B: nggak apa-apa cuma tergores belati kok. Kan cuma tangan…
Fakta sebenarnya (kesakitan luar biasa) disembunyikan dalam simbol kata demi keselarasan itu sendiri.
Pelanggaran terhadap maxim of relevance
Seringkali komunikasi terjadi secara berputar-putar, tidak langsung ketujuan. Isi pembicaraan berputar-putar dari topic A ke B lalu C lalu ke A dan B dst. Diam berarti membuat “kegaduhan” sehingga mengganggu keselarasan. Jadi pembicaraan terus sambung menyambung menjadi satu
Dua orang mau ke toilet
A: selamat pagi Pak B
B: selamat pagi Pak A
A: gimana kabarnya…kelihatan sibuk nih (kebelet)
B: oh ndak…(sangat kebelet)
(pembicaraan masih diteruskan bahkan ketika sudah ada di toilet berdiri, mereka berdampingan)…
A: gimana perjalanan ke kantor tadi pagi…Pak?
B: ehhh…ehh…(agak sulit ngomong soalnya agak sulit k….)
A: hari ini ada rapat nggak ya?
B: …eh…eh…(nggak bisa p…)
A: nanti saya tanyakan ke Pak…
Pelanggaran terhadap maxim of manner
Bahasa yang digunakan sangat metaforis sehingga menyulitkan pendengar untuk mengetahui makna apa di balik ujaran tersebut.
Grice boleh membuat maximnya. Namun yang jelas dalam relitas social bahasa tidak sesederhana dan dipetakan sesuai maxim itu..dia mengalir…..bebas….
*Herbert Paul Grice was born on March 13, 1913 in Birmingham, England and died on August 28, 1988 in Berkeley CA. Grice received firsts in classical honours moderation (1933) and literae humaniores (1935) from Corpus Christi College, Oxford. After a year teaching in a public school, he returned to Oxford where, with a nearly five year interruption for service in the Royal Navy, he taught in various positions until 1967 when he moved to the University of California-Berkeley. He taught there past his official 1979 retirement until his death in 1988. He was philosophically active until his death — holding discussions at his home, giving lectures and editing a collection of his work that was posthumously published as Studies in the Way of Words. He is best known for his innovative work in philosophy of language, but also made important contributions to metaphysics, ethics and to the study of Aristotle and Kant.
Jumat, 04 Juli 2008
Deconstructing the Cultural Concept of Gotong Royong
The so called cultural concept gotong royong that most Indonesian are proud of turns out to be the one that gives rise to devastating effects on corrupted mentality of individuals. Through deconstructive angle, gotong royong is seen in a bit different taste.
During the Old Order gotong-royong became sacred words loudly proclaimed by the former Indonesia President Sukarno. He once said that even if Pancasila squeezed to Ekasila, then the later would be gotong-royong. In the same way, the concept of gotong royong was always sounding and became the important terminology during the Soeharto’ reign (Fauzansa 2006).
The nature of mutual help contained in the concept of gotong royong is by no means monopolized by Indonesia. Helping other people who are in need without expecting anything in return is, in fact, a quite universal picture.
In the case of Indonesia, gotong royong was a quite different case. Gotong royong is the representation of a value system that calls for the commitments on the parts of people who belong to a particular society. Koentjaranigrat (1996) has clearly classified four primary reasons underlying the concept of gotong royong: 1) a man is not living alone but surrounded by a community and nature. He is a mere thing living under a macro cosmos, 2) as such his existence is greatly dependent on other people, 3) for that reason, he has to maintain a good relationship with his fellowmen, 4) and to conform to other people’s expectations.
This personal-community patronage is indeed inseparable with the prevailing facts at that time where: 1) agricultural lands are still fairly large, 2) and become the primary living subsistence for the whole community. With such an extensive size of the lands, it is unlikely that people do agricultural activities themselves, whether to cultivate or to gather crops, not to mention to expect satisfactory results in coming future. In this case, agricultural activities are known as the surface structure of social interaction.
With regard to a deep structure analysis, people at the time connected the gotong royong concept with mysticism and regarded it as a revelation descended from above. In fact, they took it for granted. They never asked why we had to do so. They never and ever proposed any questions; instead, the value itself deeply penetrated into their hearts, laying dormant and becoming what Carl Gustav Jung called with archetype.
By then, gotong royong was indeed very powerful. It was very powerful indeed because it was just like the Word of God. You have to do it no matter what… fact people unconsciously believed it.
People were too afraid to say no for not getting involved in gotong royong. None of them announced their opposing views publicly. Otherwise..a god would be angry and so would the crowd. The entire society would abandon him
Living in alienated atmosphere was completely a nightmare. They would outwardly do quite opposite to what they felt inside. But they did from finger to bone to manipulate small explosions in their inner realm.
Regretfully to say that a deconstructive angle sees another side of gotong royong that gives a birth to collective unconsciousness or what we call by hypocrisy. The face of hypocrisy can be seen in the following aspects:
1) People have a vertical orientation. If they did the job..they would do it not because they really wanted to do it or realized it was a part of their jobs, but primarily just intended to please his or her supervisor or boss.
2) People become totally opportunists. They took immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit.
Their frustration was piled up, mounting to a great extent. Hypocrisy was unconsciously inherited from generation to generation. It did not come into a view but stayed dormant deep inside community.
What happens nowadays?
The complication continued happening along with the change of society. As society got multiplied along with the influx of newly born population, the lands seemed to get narrower and narrower. People no longer depended on the agriculture lands but vigorously switched to another favorable sector to support their living. They had to compete with each other to get “sesuap nasi” in a new wild world, a place where: 1) real and delivery sectors became another dominant aspect of economics, 2) rewards were rationally granted according to strict quantitative measures, 3) I was more important than us… 4) etc…
They progressively moved away from their former group benefactor. People became fully pragmatic in fact this idea seemed to be more rational than any….: what would benefit me if I spent my time doing this? It was a relatively strange thought, if not crazy, as compared with those found in the preceding times.
However, they often go to extreme, neglecting any mode of rules and ethics. What they have in mind is that they live for eating not eating for live….
This extreme pragmatics minded was then married to “unconsciously frustrated feeling” inherited from their ancestors. This marriage gives birth to a newly born corrupted mentality. No wonder then if you see in our society if: you see people in the society who always publicly kept saying to people to do good things while avoiding making deceitful pretenses but unfortunately they were people who a) stole public funds for their own interest, b) slept with his affair and seen naked in the web, c) persecuted others while justifying their immorality in the name of the absolute truth.
The truth is that they are hypocrisy in nature, wanting to look good outwardly but inwardly possessing opposite nature. How irony….
Fauza, 2006. Dekonstruksi Derrida, Upaya Untuk Memecah-mecah Konsep
Koentjoaraningrat.1996, Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan.Gramedia
During the Old Order gotong-royong became sacred words loudly proclaimed by the former Indonesia President Sukarno. He once said that even if Pancasila squeezed to Ekasila, then the later would be gotong-royong. In the same way, the concept of gotong royong was always sounding and became the important terminology during the Soeharto’ reign (Fauzansa 2006).
The nature of mutual help contained in the concept of gotong royong is by no means monopolized by Indonesia. Helping other people who are in need without expecting anything in return is, in fact, a quite universal picture.
In the case of Indonesia, gotong royong was a quite different case. Gotong royong is the representation of a value system that calls for the commitments on the parts of people who belong to a particular society. Koentjaranigrat (1996) has clearly classified four primary reasons underlying the concept of gotong royong: 1) a man is not living alone but surrounded by a community and nature. He is a mere thing living under a macro cosmos, 2) as such his existence is greatly dependent on other people, 3) for that reason, he has to maintain a good relationship with his fellowmen, 4) and to conform to other people’s expectations.
This personal-community patronage is indeed inseparable with the prevailing facts at that time where: 1) agricultural lands are still fairly large, 2) and become the primary living subsistence for the whole community. With such an extensive size of the lands, it is unlikely that people do agricultural activities themselves, whether to cultivate or to gather crops, not to mention to expect satisfactory results in coming future. In this case, agricultural activities are known as the surface structure of social interaction.
With regard to a deep structure analysis, people at the time connected the gotong royong concept with mysticism and regarded it as a revelation descended from above. In fact, they took it for granted. They never asked why we had to do so. They never and ever proposed any questions; instead, the value itself deeply penetrated into their hearts, laying dormant and becoming what Carl Gustav Jung called with archetype.
By then, gotong royong was indeed very powerful. It was very powerful indeed because it was just like the Word of God. You have to do it no matter what… fact people unconsciously believed it.
People were too afraid to say no for not getting involved in gotong royong. None of them announced their opposing views publicly. Otherwise..a god would be angry and so would the crowd. The entire society would abandon him
Living in alienated atmosphere was completely a nightmare. They would outwardly do quite opposite to what they felt inside. But they did from finger to bone to manipulate small explosions in their inner realm.
Regretfully to say that a deconstructive angle sees another side of gotong royong that gives a birth to collective unconsciousness or what we call by hypocrisy. The face of hypocrisy can be seen in the following aspects:
1) People have a vertical orientation. If they did the job..they would do it not because they really wanted to do it or realized it was a part of their jobs, but primarily just intended to please his or her supervisor or boss.
2) People become totally opportunists. They took immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit.
Their frustration was piled up, mounting to a great extent. Hypocrisy was unconsciously inherited from generation to generation. It did not come into a view but stayed dormant deep inside community.
What happens nowadays?
The complication continued happening along with the change of society. As society got multiplied along with the influx of newly born population, the lands seemed to get narrower and narrower. People no longer depended on the agriculture lands but vigorously switched to another favorable sector to support their living. They had to compete with each other to get “sesuap nasi” in a new wild world, a place where: 1) real and delivery sectors became another dominant aspect of economics, 2) rewards were rationally granted according to strict quantitative measures, 3) I was more important than us… 4) etc…
They progressively moved away from their former group benefactor. People became fully pragmatic in fact this idea seemed to be more rational than any….: what would benefit me if I spent my time doing this? It was a relatively strange thought, if not crazy, as compared with those found in the preceding times.
However, they often go to extreme, neglecting any mode of rules and ethics. What they have in mind is that they live for eating not eating for live….
This extreme pragmatics minded was then married to “unconsciously frustrated feeling” inherited from their ancestors. This marriage gives birth to a newly born corrupted mentality. No wonder then if you see in our society if: you see people in the society who always publicly kept saying to people to do good things while avoiding making deceitful pretenses but unfortunately they were people who a) stole public funds for their own interest, b) slept with his affair and seen naked in the web, c) persecuted others while justifying their immorality in the name of the absolute truth.
The truth is that they are hypocrisy in nature, wanting to look good outwardly but inwardly possessing opposite nature. How irony….
Fauza, 2006. Dekonstruksi Derrida, Upaya Untuk Memecah-mecah Konsep
Koentjoaraningrat.1996, Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan.Gramedia
Rabu, 25 Juni 2008
The Psychological Analysis on Patrisius' Poem WARM WET Circles. . . .
WARM WET Circles. . . .
Tears in her eyes,
Lipstick mark on the shirt collar,
Lips on the lips
Warm rounded lips on the cheek,
What else is left,
Hollow memories of bittersweet moments,
Haunting . . .
Puisi ini menggambarkan sisi dalam dari manusia…sebagai entitas yang paradox...yang berada di dalam pergolakan arus-arus kekuatan yang begitu kuat.
Kekuatan pertama adalah nafsu. Freud menamakannya sebagai id yaitu sebagai instansi yang berada dalam bawah sadar manusia namun stay dormant. Sifatnya sangat irrasional tanpa memperdulikan tatanan norma atau pranata moral. Dia bergerak atas prinsip kesenangan.
Sementara itu, kekuatan yang lain muncul sebagai instansi moral yang senantiasa mengingatkan manusia akan keteraturan hidup yang dibangun atas sendi moral. Frued menamakan ini sebagai superego. Superego juga bergerak dalam ranah irasionalitas yang terus menerus menghakimi dan kadang menyalahkan tanpa mau perduli apa pun konteks masalahnya.
Sementara manusia itu sendiri berada dalam dua kekuatan itu. Dia menjalani hidupnya dengan egonya..suatu instansi yang senantiasa ingin membahagiakan dua kekuatan tadi sehingga
Ada hal yang saya garis bawahi mengenai puisi ini yaitu kekuatan id, lust yang muncul dalam pusi ini direpresntasikan dalam beberapa sub heading di bawah ini:
Kekuatan itu mau digambarkan dalam persona feminim.Lisptik dan air mata merupakan dua kata yang erat terkait dengan persona kewanitaan. Pertama, lisptik. Riset telah membuktikan 3 barang yang umum terdapat di tas wanita: dompet, hp dan lisptik.
Demikian juga airmata juga erat terkait dengan sisi kewanitaan. Airmata menunjukkan sisi ‘kerapuhan’ yang mudah tersentuh, terhadap sisi emosi. Wanita dijadikan analog yang memiliki kekuatan magnetis, menarik begitu dahsyat, dirindukan dimana sulit bagi siapapun untuk tidak mengatakan tidak atas kekuatan aura yang dimilikinya. Karena Eva maka Adam pun menurut makan buah pengetahuan baik dan buruk. Karena Helen maka perang yang dahsyat terjadi di Troy. Karena Cleopatra maka Julius Caesar sedia mengerahkan ribuan pasukannya menyerang Mesir. Karena Lady Macbeth maka Macbeth sang jenderal membunuh raja Duncan. Wanita memang symbol kekuatan yang magnetis.
Pengalaman sejarah membuktikan bahkan Presiden Sukarno pun rela menikahi sesorang hanya karena melihat betis mulus seorang wanita. Daya tarik wanita memang tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan sisi sensualitasnya. Dalam puisi ini kta mendapapatkan ‘Lips on the lips ‘. Lips merupakan wujud daya tarik itu. Dan lips itu bertemu dengan lips yang lain. Peristiwa itu begitu erotis, begitu intim dan personal. Kerekatan hubungan antar dua manusia itu bisa dilihat dari posisi mana lips itu ditempelkan: kalau lips dengan lips jelas ini bukan lagi ciuman gaya orangtua dengan anak, atau teman dengan kerabat, namun sudah yang terintim. Pengalaman itu sulit dilupakan panas sepanas kecupan di pipi: warm rounded lips on the cheek.
Dimensi Spasial
Ada dimensi spasial yang tersirat bagaimana potertet yang terlupakan telah terjadi (atau senantiasa terjadi?) sabagaimana terecermin dari kata lipstick dan collar. Jarang orang pakai lipstick atau collar itu di tempat santai sebaliknya benda ini dikenakan justru di tempat yang formal seperti perkantoran dan sebagainya. Dengan menyampaikan ini maka secara spasial penulis ingin menyampaikan bahwa peristiwa ‘keintiman’ terjadi di tempat formal. Pertanyaanya adalah adakah korelasi antara tempat formal (tempat kerja misalnya) dengan godaan?
Concluding remark
Bait berikutnya merupakan kesan dari penulis teantang apa yang dia alami. What else is left,...Hollow memories of bittersweet moments, semua itu hanya momen kosong meaningless. Manis tapi pahit dirasakan. Kenyataannya dia tetap continually recurring to the mind. Hinggap terus di pikiran. Haunting . . .So kekuatan ini tetap dormant.
Puisi di atas mengingatkan saya akan pemikiran Frued tentang struktur kepribadian manusia. Dengan tidak bermaksud untuk menyederhanakan kompleksitas perilaku manusia, dari teori psikoanalisis Freud ini, perbuatan manusia itu dapat digolongkan menjadi 3kategori besar.
1) Perbuatan ekstrem libidinal: perbuatan yang semata-mata hanya memuaskan hawa nafsu saja.
2) Perbuatan ekstrem moral: perbuatan yang semata-mata ingin menghakimi dan menghukum orang lain dengan kekerasan dan melegitimasikan perbuatan itu atas dasar aturan norma tertentu.
3) Perbuatan wajar: perbuatan yang tidak mengekang hasrat dirinya yang memang sudah menjadi bagian dirinya namun juga tidak mengabaikan tuntutan moral sebagaimana menjadi tuntutan dan harapan dari masyarakat.
Kenyataanya hidup manusia selalu berlikak likuk di antara 3 kategori tadi.
Dan saya tutup analisis ini dengan sebuah pernyataan:
this poem portrays intricate realm of human existence. Yes, it is paradox in nature… Bittersweet . He has to stand amid two powerful streams… satisfying his lust and hence ignoring his conscience or vice versa and ...
Many Thanks to my Buddy Dr. Patrisius Djiwandono
Tears in her eyes,
Lipstick mark on the shirt collar,
Lips on the lips
Warm rounded lips on the cheek,
What else is left,
Hollow memories of bittersweet moments,
Haunting . . .
Puisi ini menggambarkan sisi dalam dari manusia…sebagai entitas yang paradox...yang berada di dalam pergolakan arus-arus kekuatan yang begitu kuat.
Kekuatan pertama adalah nafsu. Freud menamakannya sebagai id yaitu sebagai instansi yang berada dalam bawah sadar manusia namun stay dormant. Sifatnya sangat irrasional tanpa memperdulikan tatanan norma atau pranata moral. Dia bergerak atas prinsip kesenangan.
Sementara itu, kekuatan yang lain muncul sebagai instansi moral yang senantiasa mengingatkan manusia akan keteraturan hidup yang dibangun atas sendi moral. Frued menamakan ini sebagai superego. Superego juga bergerak dalam ranah irasionalitas yang terus menerus menghakimi dan kadang menyalahkan tanpa mau perduli apa pun konteks masalahnya.
Sementara manusia itu sendiri berada dalam dua kekuatan itu. Dia menjalani hidupnya dengan egonya..suatu instansi yang senantiasa ingin membahagiakan dua kekuatan tadi sehingga
Ada hal yang saya garis bawahi mengenai puisi ini yaitu kekuatan id, lust yang muncul dalam pusi ini direpresntasikan dalam beberapa sub heading di bawah ini:
Kekuatan itu mau digambarkan dalam persona feminim.Lisptik dan air mata merupakan dua kata yang erat terkait dengan persona kewanitaan. Pertama, lisptik. Riset telah membuktikan 3 barang yang umum terdapat di tas wanita: dompet, hp dan lisptik.
Demikian juga airmata juga erat terkait dengan sisi kewanitaan. Airmata menunjukkan sisi ‘kerapuhan’ yang mudah tersentuh, terhadap sisi emosi. Wanita dijadikan analog yang memiliki kekuatan magnetis, menarik begitu dahsyat, dirindukan dimana sulit bagi siapapun untuk tidak mengatakan tidak atas kekuatan aura yang dimilikinya. Karena Eva maka Adam pun menurut makan buah pengetahuan baik dan buruk. Karena Helen maka perang yang dahsyat terjadi di Troy. Karena Cleopatra maka Julius Caesar sedia mengerahkan ribuan pasukannya menyerang Mesir. Karena Lady Macbeth maka Macbeth sang jenderal membunuh raja Duncan. Wanita memang symbol kekuatan yang magnetis.
Pengalaman sejarah membuktikan bahkan Presiden Sukarno pun rela menikahi sesorang hanya karena melihat betis mulus seorang wanita. Daya tarik wanita memang tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan sisi sensualitasnya. Dalam puisi ini kta mendapapatkan ‘Lips on the lips ‘. Lips merupakan wujud daya tarik itu. Dan lips itu bertemu dengan lips yang lain. Peristiwa itu begitu erotis, begitu intim dan personal. Kerekatan hubungan antar dua manusia itu bisa dilihat dari posisi mana lips itu ditempelkan: kalau lips dengan lips jelas ini bukan lagi ciuman gaya orangtua dengan anak, atau teman dengan kerabat, namun sudah yang terintim. Pengalaman itu sulit dilupakan panas sepanas kecupan di pipi: warm rounded lips on the cheek.
Dimensi Spasial
Ada dimensi spasial yang tersirat bagaimana potertet yang terlupakan telah terjadi (atau senantiasa terjadi?) sabagaimana terecermin dari kata lipstick dan collar. Jarang orang pakai lipstick atau collar itu di tempat santai sebaliknya benda ini dikenakan justru di tempat yang formal seperti perkantoran dan sebagainya. Dengan menyampaikan ini maka secara spasial penulis ingin menyampaikan bahwa peristiwa ‘keintiman’ terjadi di tempat formal. Pertanyaanya adalah adakah korelasi antara tempat formal (tempat kerja misalnya) dengan godaan?
Concluding remark
Bait berikutnya merupakan kesan dari penulis teantang apa yang dia alami. What else is left,...Hollow memories of bittersweet moments, semua itu hanya momen kosong meaningless. Manis tapi pahit dirasakan. Kenyataannya dia tetap continually recurring to the mind. Hinggap terus di pikiran. Haunting . . .So kekuatan ini tetap dormant.
Puisi di atas mengingatkan saya akan pemikiran Frued tentang struktur kepribadian manusia. Dengan tidak bermaksud untuk menyederhanakan kompleksitas perilaku manusia, dari teori psikoanalisis Freud ini, perbuatan manusia itu dapat digolongkan menjadi 3kategori besar.
1) Perbuatan ekstrem libidinal: perbuatan yang semata-mata hanya memuaskan hawa nafsu saja.
2) Perbuatan ekstrem moral: perbuatan yang semata-mata ingin menghakimi dan menghukum orang lain dengan kekerasan dan melegitimasikan perbuatan itu atas dasar aturan norma tertentu.
3) Perbuatan wajar: perbuatan yang tidak mengekang hasrat dirinya yang memang sudah menjadi bagian dirinya namun juga tidak mengabaikan tuntutan moral sebagaimana menjadi tuntutan dan harapan dari masyarakat.
Kenyataanya hidup manusia selalu berlikak likuk di antara 3 kategori tadi.
Dan saya tutup analisis ini dengan sebuah pernyataan:
this poem portrays intricate realm of human existence. Yes, it is paradox in nature… Bittersweet . He has to stand amid two powerful streams… satisfying his lust and hence ignoring his conscience or vice versa and ...
Many Thanks to my Buddy Dr. Patrisius Djiwandono
Deforestration has reached about 20 % of the world’ glass-house emissions. Nowadays, Indonesia and Brazil are known as the third and the fourth biggest emisson producing countries in the world, mainly caused by logging practices. To prevent a life-threatening changing climate, deforestration must be brought to a stop all over the world in coming decades.
The figure of deforestration rate in Indonesia is placed at 3.8 million ha. per year, meaning that about 7.2 ha forests are prone to destruction in a minute.
According to the World Research Institute, from 130 ha of entire forests in Indonesia, about 72 % of Indonesia’s original forests vanish. Hence, there is only about 28 % of the entire forests left. If no appropriate response and preventive measures are seriously taken either by the Indonesian government or citizens, obviously Indonesia will no longer have forests in coming two decades.
Overcutting forests not only results in the shortage of water absorption sites, abrasion, and natural disasters such as landslide and flood, but also gives rise to a serious loss of circulation center and the formation of carbondioxide and oxygen required by people in sustaining their lives.
These unfavorable conditions happen due to Indonesian people’s ignorance and poor awareness of the environment. The conditions of Indonesia’ s existing forests will never get better if no environment awareness is enhanced through information or education.It is evident that only a few numbers of people can get in touch with the current information in the internet. Not only do they have poor computer knowledge, they even cannot afford to pay its cost.
Surely, no forest protection efforts can be said to be successful without cooporation and mutual help from the local populace.
A Great Victory
A psychologist says whether or not your entire presentation or teaching is successful greatly depends on the first 15 minutes of your performance. This theory has been proved and affirmed by a number of surveys, conducted by a group of American researchers who studied the behavior of the interviewees during the interview process.
In fact, this crucial phenomenon is indeed in line with what an American educational psychologist, Robert Gagne, calls with ‘gaining attention stage’, the first step of his-nine-step teaching instruction theory. Gagne does not narrow down what is meant by a gaining attention activity nor explicitly offer clear cut kinds of activities that we have to proceed in order to successfully draw audience’ attention. He simply encourages us to think out of box, making an activity in such a way that possibly wins the hearts of the audiences. We can start it with answering the following question: ‘Would our audiences be interested if I did this?’
It is absolutely true as I experienced it myself in the recent workshop Sunday 22 of June 2008 in Nganjuk. I did it by doing a simple task. I asked them to get to know each other. Since they were from different institutions I believed that they hardly knew each other well. They had to introduce all members of the group. For example, the first person said:’ I am Daniel.’ The next person, Mrs. Maria (a made-up name), continued saying: ’you are Daniel. I am Maria.” The third (Mr. Budi) said:”You’re Daniel. She’s Maria. And I’m Budi”. As such, they had to remember each other’s names.
They did it. In fact they were happy to do it. This exercise seemed to be efficient to gain their attention. Everybody wanted to speak. Everybody wanted to show off. Everyone wanted the public to know who they were and more importantly how great they did their job.
Giving someone a chance to let themselves be known, heard, cared indeed reflects an absolute truth of human existence…the basic need of all. Once you do it, you win.(DG)
Selasa, 24 Juni 2008
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